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air cushion 氣墊;氣褥;氣枕;氣室。

Fully adjustable to suit your ideal level of firmness . new patented tri - layer air chambers that offers the highest level of comfort in air bed technology . 195 intelligent air cushion surface , for a more balanced and even support 當親友來訪郊游露營外出旅游時,有了“ 2 in 1充氣吸氣家用及車用電動幫浦“ , magic神奇智慧床隨時隨地立刻變成一張頂級舒適的床

air defence

They are double - layered compound films of air cushion type , which are exteuded of ldpe . they are mainly used as anti - shock packing supplies of meters , in struments , and fragile goods , atahey can also be used as shock absorption packing supplies for electronic , food and hardware industries , and mol plastic articles , arts and crafts products and daily use artcles , etc . . the company can produce ageat variety of air cushion bag products , such as single of double sided winding air cushion products / shapud bags 產品描述:采用聚乙稀ldpe為原料,經擠出雙層膜真空復合成型的氣墊薄膜(簡稱汽泡膜) ,產品主要用于儀表、儀器、易碎、易損物品的防震包裝及電子行業、食品、工藝品、五金、注塑件、日用品等行業的減震包裝,可生產單面、雙面汽泡卷材、成型袋,普通中泡直徑10 ? ,并可生產直徑25 ? 、 30 ?的超大汽泡膜。

When the machine is working , the operations of feeding , heating , extruding , filming , forming , cooling , measuring , slitting and rolling can be carried out automatically . air bubble film is also called air bubble sheet , air cushion film , poly - cell sheet or plastic poly - cell . it s widely used as anti - shock material for the package of electronic appliance , industrial products , craftwork and so on 氣泡膜,亦稱氣墊膜氣珠膜氣泡布氣泡紙氣泡薄膜氣墊薄膜,是采用ldpe低密度聚乙烯樹脂加工而成,是當前普遍使用的唯一透明的一種軟包裝緩沖材料,可制成氣泡袋氣泡牛皮紙信封袋汽車太陽擋隔熱座墊隔熱保溫材料等。

The mechanical properties of the air cushion are studied theoretically . the fem air isolation model based on the state equation of ideal gas is used to study the effects of air isolation . the calculation results suggest that air isolation can reduce the hydrodynamic pressure significantly and restrain the dam vibrations during earthquake 應用在平面波作用下液體-氣體-固體動力系統的理論,分析了大壩隔震氣幕的力學性態;應用基于理想氣體狀態方程的氣幕隔震的壓力有限元模型,對模型氣幕的隔震效果進行了研究。

This machine has many features such as hydraulic transmission , electrcal lock . infrared photoelectrical protector , overload protection , air cushion table , alignment of light line and knife , device for large cutting clamp force , high cutting precision , safety and reliability 本機還采用液壓傳動、紅外光電保護、過載保護、電子安全鎖刀、氣墊平臺、光縫對刀、快速換刀等裝置,具有才切壓力大、裁切精度高、安全可靠等特點。

Fully adjustable to suit your ideal level of firmness . new patented tri - layer air chambers that offers the highest level of comfort in air bed technology . 195 intelligent air cushion surface , for a more balanced and even support 當親友來訪郊游露營外出旅游時,有了“ 2 in 1充氣吸氣家用及車用電動幫浦“ , magic神奇智慧床隨時隨地立刻變成一張頂級舒適的床

This paper studies on the shape and structural characters of the disc flute of air cushion rugulating machine , describes the designing and testing method of the parameters such as the diameter and arrangement of the air holes 對氣膜調偏機盤槽形狀和結構特點進行了研究,論述了氣孔直徑及排列方式參數的設計和試驗方法。

This machine is adopted advanced electrom - agnetism clutch turning , hydraulic stereotype perss with high speeding , pressure - strangthened oil vat and working tadle with air cushion . detecting instrument with direction 本機采用了先進的電磁離合裝置傳動,液壓壓紙采用了快速增壓油缸,壓力大,工作臺裝有氣墊。

In sweden people do not wear candles anymore because before girls caught their hair on fire very often . today they use air cushion face mask with batteries in them 這天,瑞典的女孩子會打扮成圣?露西亞的模樣? ?身穿白色長裙,頭戴插有蠟燭的花冠。男孩子手拿蠟燭,穿著白色長袍,戴著畫有金色星星的帽子。

In sweden people do not wear candles anymore because before girls caught their hair on fire very often . today they use air cushion face mask with batteries in them 如今,韓國的娛樂公司已經不再在花冠上點蠟燭,因為女孩子們的頭發經常會被火燒著。現在,在瑞典,人們更多地開始使用裝有電池的蠟燭。

Depending on the theory of hydraulics , this paper describes the method for calculation and determination of the main parameters for establishing smooth and steady air cushion in air - cushion rugulator 運用流體力學的計算理論,論述了在氣膜調偏機中形成均勻穩定的氣膜的主要參數的確定和計算方法。

When two or multiple layers of etfe are installed together and the space between them inflated , they form durable air cushions that can be used to cover the outer walls and roofs of buildings 將兩層或更多層的膜結合并充氣后,形如枕頭,稱為氣枕,可充當建筑物的外墻及屋頂,經久耐用。

The air cushion will reduce hydrodynamic pressure for 75 % . forced vibration tests of the model dam , excited by the initial displacement , measurement have been carried out for several cases 計算結果表明氣幕對大壩具有良好的隔震性能,可降低動水壓力75以上。

Each side kind of hands , wearing gloves special impact in a limited horizon , of a thin layer of air cushion the ball sailed into the other goal 那種每人一邊,手上戴著專用的撞擊手套,在一個限定的平面上,將一片薄薄的氣墊球撞入對方球門!

The total force of mobile gas on the chassis of the air cushion has been calculated by gas dynamic methods . it coincided with the actual result 摘要利用氣體動力學,計算流動的氣膜對氣墊器底盤的總作用力,理論與實際結果相符。

Politeness is like an air cushion : there may be nothing in it , but it eases our jolts wonderfully 禮貌就像空氣軟墊一樣:盡管里邊什么也沒有,但它可以使我們減少顛簸

Politeness is like an air cushion : there may be nothing in it , but it eases our jolts wonderfully 禮貌就象是一只氣墊:里面可能什么都沒有,但卻能奇妙地減輕顛簸。

Research on action of slow closure back pressure valve in water delivery system with air cushion surge tank 設置氣壓式調壓室的輸水系統中緩閉止回閥作用的研究

The application of air bag as air cushion , balancer or vibration isolator in press has been proposed 摘要介紹氣囊在壓力機上作為氣墊、平衡器與隔振體的應用。